Rat Pest Control in Gardens – Redditch
The owners of a terrace house in Redditch were suffering with a rat infestation in their garden. Although there had been no sightings of live rats, there were some very obvious signs of rat activity.
The rats were living underground, and the number of rat pathways and rat hole entrances showed that the rat infestation was well established and not limited to only their garden – the rats had spread into the neighboring properties on either side.
The Solution: Robust Rat Control Program
Rather than just control the rat infestation in one garden, it made sense to do a more thorough and carry out a more extensive rat extermination program to include the neighbouring properties, with the owners’ permission. Our technician was able to capture live rat activity on video, so it was clear to all the homeowners that there were rats in the gardens.
The residents’ of all three affected properties were happy for us to go ahead with a robust rat control program across all three gardens, making the rat pest control process far quicker for our original client. We were able to exterminate all the rats within three visits.
We also undertook thorough surveys inside all three houses to ensure that rats had not found any entry points to gain access to the inside of the properties. Fortunately, the rats were limited to the outside areas only. It was summertime and the warm weather likely meant that the rats had not yet looked for shelter inside.
Providing professional rat pest control services was definitely the best solution for our client, as once the cold and wetter winter weather started there is a good chance the rat infestation would have moved inside, which often causes damage and distress. It’s always worth getting any signs of rats checked out, and worth getting rid of rats before they start moving into your home.