If you have a fly infestation, it’s not always obvious where they are coming from or what’s brought them. Cluster flies can swarm during the Spring and Autumn and a fly pest control program is normally needed to remove cluster flies from your home. Other types of flies can also cause problems. The species of fly needs identifying, and an appropriate fly pest control program implemented. Some species of gnats for example can live in drains and may start appearing in your bathroom. Specific treatment methods are needed to eradicate certain fly infestations so species identification is important.
We identify flies using photographs where possible, otherwise an insect identification service is available by sending a sample to a licensed laboratory. Once we know the species of fly an appropriate fly pest control program can be organised for you.
Mite Pest Control
A mite infestation in your home can be distressing and often appear unexpectedly. Mites in your bedroom for example could be bird mites from an infested bird’s nest on the roof. Food mites or weevils can be in packaged food and suddenly you will notice mites in your kitchen. We will identify mites where possible using photographs, and if needed we can arrange for laboratory testing for formal identification. Once the species of mite is confirmed the insect or mite pest control program can be carried out to stop the infestation and the source removed.
Insect Pest Control and Insect Identification
Unidentified insects, such as beetles, can at times infest homes and insect pest control is required. Photographs can be used for identification by our technicians or industry experts. If this still isn’t conclusive, we can collect an insect sample for laboratory identification. Once the insect is identified, an appropriate insect pest control program can be recommended.
Any questions? Call us now: 07496750071