Where Do Bed Bugs Come From?
Bed bugs are commonly picked up when you go away, and they can often be traced back to a stay in a hotel or B&B, either abroad or in the UK. Another source can be on second hand furniture or soft furnishings that you have brought into your home.
Signs of a Bed Bug Infestation
If you have a bed bug infestation, you’ll notice you’re getting bitten – often on the torso – and this is likely to be accompanied by blood spots on the sheets. You might also see bed bugs which are small flat brown crawling insects about 4-5 mm long. Bed bugs normally bite overnight and hide in crevices during the day. Before bed bug pest control, we will ask you to clear general clutter off the floor, vacuum everywhere and empty the hoover bag. It’s important you don’t move items from room to room to limit the spread of bed bugs around your home. All bedding should be washed at over 60 degrees, and any infested clothes. Clothes or other items that can’t be hot washed can be bagged, sealed and frozen for 48 hours.
Bed Bug Pest Control
The bed bug treatment involves a mix of hot, cold and insecticide methods. After the treatment we will ask you not to vacuum for 21 days. Due to the tenuous nature of bed bugs, we recommend all rooms are treated, however our technicians will also check every room for signs of bed bugs when they’re there. It’s worth knowing that no one can be in the house during the treatment or for 6 hours afterwards, so morning appointments are recommended.
Any questions? Call us now: 07496750071