Cockroaches have adapted to live alongside humans and like warm conditions with easy access to water. It is common to find cockroaches in cupboards such as under the kitchen sink, as well as behind units, fridges, bath panels – basically anywhere they can shelter with easy access to food and water.
If you have cockroaches in your house, you may not notice them at first as they are nocturnal and tend to come out at night to feed. However, as the cockroach infestation increases in size it will start to become obvious – especially if you look for them in your cupboards or behind kitchen units during the day. Cockroaches eat any leftover or waste food and can be carnivorous so will eat each other if food is scarce.
As well as seeing live cockroaches, other signs of a cockroach infestation are seeing their droppings as well as any discarded egg sacs the females may leave behind. But if you start seeing live (or dead) cockroaches the cockroach infestation is becoming more advanced and it is wise to source a professional cockroach pest control service at this stage.
You can discourage cockroaches in your home by keeping it as clean as possible. Always wash up any used cutlery and cooking equipment, bag and seal waste food, keep floors clean and free of food waste, keep food in sealed containers. That said, once you have cockroaches in your kitchen they can fit into tiny spaces and are very difficult to remove yourself.
Professional cockroach pest control is usually the easiest solution and very straightforward. Normally a cockroach gel or bait is put down where the cockroaches will have easy access to it, and as they eat it the cockroaches will start to die off. It is normally advisable not to clear away the dead cockroaches, as the live cockroaches will often eat these remains which increases the levels of toxins they are consuming. This helps the cockroach pest control program to become more effective and work even more quickly.
It can take more than one cockroach pest control treatment to get rid of all the cockroaches from your house or workplace, depending on how advanced the cockroach infestation has become. However, you should notice a difference relatively soon, and stay in close contact with your pest control company as they should be able to book in any follow up cockroach control visits as needed. It is also worth discussing with your pest control company where the cockroaches may have come from and how you can stop a cockroach infestation from happening again.