Mouse and Rat Pest Control

Squirrels are normally active at dawn and dusk so if you’re hearing noises in your loft at night it’s more likely a rat or mouse infestation. Sometimes birds get into attics also which can make a similar noise.

Rats and mice always need at least two visits from one of our pest control technicians. On visit one we carry out a thorough inspection. We also start the rodent control program during the first visit using bait. Visit two involves another inspection and hopefully that’s the end of the rat or mouse infestation. Sometimes additional visits are required, however we always endeavour to finish within two visits wherever possible.

All our pest control technicians are trained and certified in safe use of rodenticides. They also regularly update their working knowledge according to pest control legislation guidelines.

When we carry out the initial inspection, we will also survey for any rodent proofing measures needed to help prevent another rat or mouse infestation. We can quote to do this for you or advise only if you prefer to the rodent proofing yourself.

We strongly advise not blocking up any holes that rats or mice are using until after the rodent infestation has been exterminated. If you block holes before the infestation is finished there is a chance you will trap rats or mice inside your house which can make the situation worse.

If you have birds in your loft we can remove them and quote for any bird proofing required to stop birds getting into your attic again. We cannot touch nesting birds by law, but proofing can be carried out when nests are empty.

Occasionally a cat will bring one rat or mouse into your home or garden. However normally rats live in groups of 15 or more, so if you’ve seen one rat usually there are more nearby.

All rodents carry disease so do take extra hygiene measures if you think you have a rodent infestation, particularly around food. Professional rodent pest control to remove the infestation is highly recommended.

Generally trapping rats or mice is a very long-term control method and can become a permanent necessity. Rat or mouse bait is far more effective. Professional pest control services use licensed products that are stronger and therefore highly effective compared to most shop bought rodent bait.

Rats will die during the rat pest control process. We always collect any dead rats wherever possible. Sometimes rats die in wall cavities and there may be a smell. However, this will clear up after 2-3 weeks. We can help with the smell if it becomes particularly unpleasant with high grade odour spray.

Squirrel Pest Control

Squirrels will cause a lot of damage to wood, wiring and insulation so squirrel pest control is normally a good idea.

Squirrel pest control usually involves the use of humane traps. We place cameras in your loft where possible, so that we can always monitor the traps. The number of visits required depends on the number of squirrels, but most squirrel extermination services are completed in 2-3 visits.

Whilst doing squirrel pest control we will also advise on any squirrel proofing required. This will help to stop squirrels getting into your loft again. We can quote to do this work for you or advise only if you prefer to do it yourself.

Flea Pest Control

Professional flea pest control will break the flea life cycle, which off the shelf flea control products might not do. We use a residual insecticide which remains on your carpets for 21 days after the initial flea pest control process. Eggs that hatch in that 21-day period will touch the insecticide and die off. The flea life cycle is then broken, and the flea infestation finished.

Beforehand we ask you to vacuum all areas and empty the vacuum cleaner bag, clear general clutter off the floor, wash bedding at 60 degrees and ensure all pets have been treated by a vet for fleas. No on in the house during the flea control process or for 6 hours after, and then no vacuuming for 21 days.

We always endeavour to get rid of fleas in a single treatment, however occasionally a second flea control treatment is needed. Provided it is within 28 days of the initial flea pest control process we will do this at 50% of the original cost.

Once dry it is licensed as safe for people and pets. It is important you remain out of the house for at least 6 hours after the flea pest control treatment, so it has time to fully dry. Please discuss any concerns with your technician on the day also and they will be able to advise you further.

Our flea pest control service includes treating all soft furnishings as well as floors. We will treat all areas during the process.

Bedbug Pest Control

Commonly household insect bites are from fleas or bedbugs. Fleas are generally obvious as you can see them jumping during the day. Bedbugs normally hide during the day and come out at night when they sense your body heat. Bedbug bites are often on the torso and can leave small blood spots on the bed sheets.

If you think you may need bedbug extermination it is best to give us a call on 01789 549020 and we can discuss the signs of bedbugs over the phone initially. During this conversation we can establish the likelihood of a bedbug infestation and can arrange for bedbug pest control if required. Alternatively, we can organise for a bedbug survey which will ascertain whether it is a bedbug infestation before proceeding.

We do a very thorough bedbug pest control process using a combination of hot, cold and insecticide treatments. We also put down a residual insecticide so any bedbugs that hatch after the process will touch the insecticide and die off.

No one can be in the house during the bedbug pest control or for 6 hours after, then no vacuuming for 21 days. All infested clothing and bedding needs to be hot washed or bagged sealed and frozen beforehand also. All areas vacuumed thoroughly, and vacuum bag emptied. Avoid moving items from room to room unless wrapped and sealed to prevent spreading the bedbugs.

We can’t guarantee bedbug pest control due to the force of nature. Normally however we do complete in a single bedbug control treatment as we are particularly thorough and ensure our work is to the highest standards.

Carpet Moth and Carpet Beetle Pest Control

Bald patches on your carpet or holes in fabrics are a sign of carpet moth or carpet beetle infestation. Both live on natural fibres so will eat your carpets, curtains, clothes or soft furnishing. You might see the live insects or their larvae / larval cases. We can always help you identify carpet moth or carpet beetle over the phone using pictures. Our work mobile is 07496 750071 so please send over and we can take a look for you.

Adult moths or beetles normally fly in through an open window and will lay their eggs on your carpets or fabrics.

We ask you to vacuum all areas beforehand including cupboards with carpeted floors, empty the hoover bag, clear the floors of clutter, and wash infested clothing at 60 degrees. No vacuuming for 21 days afterwards.

Cockroach Pest Control

There are off the shelf products for cockroach extermination, but cockroaches can still be difficult to remove yourself. The most straightforward solution is usually professional cockroach pest control services.

There is no need to clean before cockroach pest control, we just ask you to leave any dead cockroaches during the cockroach extermination process for other cockroaches to eat. This increases toxins as the dead ones are eaten making the cockroach extermination process quicker and ending the cockroach infestation as quickly as possible.

Ant Pest Control

Yes, our ant pest control will exterminate ants. A licensed ant pest control gel is used which the ants take back to the nest. This will finish the queen ant and stop the nest.

Hornet & Wasp Pest Control

Wasps never swarm, if you are seeing a swarm of insects that look like wasps it is probably honeybees.

Once all the wasps in a nest are exterminated the nest will become dormant, and new wasps will not start using an empty nest. We can remove an empty nest for you if you prefer provided we can access it, but if left it will not attract more wasps.

Yes. If wasps are still living in a nest that we have treated after 7 days, we will return and retreat free of charge.

Live Bee Removal

If the bees are flying in and out of the same hole it’s probably honey or bumble bees. If the bees are flying to and from individual holes, then it’s more likely to be mortar bees. Mortar bees are non-aggressive.

We generally recommend leaving bees that are nesting in the ground, they are normally ground or miner bees and we don’t treat them or remove them.

Yes, we can remove live honeybees nesting in a chimney and rehome. It can require scaffold due to the height, so we carry out a full inspection first.

If bees are nesting in a wall cavity, then we may or may not be able to remove them live. If live bee removal is not possible then you may decide to have them treated with insecticide. We only do this however if you feel the bees are a potential danger to you and your family. We always seal and proof up any entrance holes following this process which stops a new queen bee nesting in the same place. If proofing is not possible then treating the bees is not possible either.

Yes, if you have a bee swarm in your garden then we can collect and rehome them for you.

We will collect and rehome a bumblebee nest if accessible. Bumblebees will nest in the ground or in wall cavities, so this is not always possible. They are non-aggressive and will vacate the nest at the end of the Summer. Treating bumblebees with insecticide rarely works so we recommend leaving the bumblebees and when they leave proof up the entrance hole if you prefer them not to return next year. Bumblebees are not generally aggressive.

Cluster Fly Pest Control

Cluster flies leave pheromones behind. After cluster fly pest control these pheromones can attract more cluster flies next season. As cluster flies can crawl through tiny cracks in your roof they are difficult to stop permanently. If you have a cluster fly infestation, we recommend cluster fly pest control which should exterminate the existing infestation and reduce the level of recurring cluster fly infestations.

There are various reasons for a fly infestation, and there are many species of fly. If the fly is not recognisable on sight we can send a sample to a laboratory for species identification. Once we know the species, we know the likely cause and can recommend the proper treatment and best fly extermination process.

Mite Pest Control

Yes we offer mite pest control services to exterminate mites. Sometimes we recommend laboratory identification if we do not recognise the mite species on sight. Once formally identified you know you are getting the best and most appropriate mite pest control and mite extermination solutions.

Woodworm Pest Control

If you are seeing small holes in wooden structures or furniture it is a sign of woodworm. You may also notice small piles of sawdust.

Yes, we offer woodworm removal and extermination service.

Termites do not live in the UK. Sometimes people think woodworm are termites. Woodworm is actually a type of wood burrowing beetle. If you are unsure, we offer a woodworm inspection service.

Pest Control Costs

As a general rule our prices start from £80 + VAT for insect pest control and £160 + VAT for rodent pest control. That said, it all depends on building size as well as size and type of the infestation. We can give a firm idea of price after speaking with you or a site visit.

There are good pest control products available in the shops, however many of our clients call us having tried to treat problems themselves without any success, often spending up to £250 or more. It is usually more cost effective (and easier) to contact a reputable pest control company in the first instance.

The cost of a pest control contract depends on the size and type of premises. Our pest control contract service for businesses generally costs between £30 – £65 per month plus VAT for an average sized property. The cost of residential pest control contracts tends to be slightly less.